The Scottsdale Heritage Connection (SHC) is a collection of print and digital materials about the history of the Scottsdale area.
Explore digital images; school yearbooks; oral histories; books, newspapers, and periodicals; files of articles, pamphlets, and documents; Scottsdale residential and business directories and more.
Located at the Civic Center Library, the Scottsdale Heritage Connection Room is open during all library hours. Effective June 2020, for access to locked research materials please submit a request below.
Food and drink is not permitted in the SHC Room due to rare materials.
Request a high-resolution digital copy
of one of our historical images.
Request to view physical items from the
Scottsdale Heritage Connection.
Share your materials with Scottsdale Library.
[email protected]
Reading Arizona is a selection of nonfiction and fiction eBooks and Audiobooks for all ages interested in Arizona topics and themes. Content is provided through the Boundless app and supported by the Arizona State Library. Reading Arizona and Boundless - FAQ includes download instructions: