The filing deadline for federal income tax returns is Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Order forms by phone: 800-829-3676
Telephone Assistance: 800-829-1040
(Hours: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
The filing deadline for Arizona income tax returns is Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Walk-in: State and Federal forms are available at these offices
(Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Central Phoenix, Main Office
1600 W. Monroe
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2650 map
Public parking is available to the east of the building.
East Phoenix Metro Area
275 E Germann Rd. Building 2, Suite 180
Gilbert, AZ 85297-2917 map
Face-to-Face Tax Help
IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs) are your source for personal tax help when you believe your tax issue can only be handled face-to-face. No appointment is necessary.
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
The VITA Program offers free tax help to low-income (under $35,000) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns.
Operation We Are Here
Free Income Tax Return Preparation and Resources for Military Families.