Scottsdale is a member of MAX, which is a collection-sharing service for participating library systems in Maricopa County.
With your Scottsdale library card, you can search the MAX catalog for titles that are not available through Scottsdale. If a copy is available from one of the MAX libraries, you can request that title and it will be sent to your preferred pick-up branch in Scottsdale. Most items can be checked out and returned just like regular Scottsdale items.
Check out the catalog: County-Wide Lending Library
What can I request?
The collection is only sharing books to start.
How many requests can I make?
You can have 5 requests at any time.
Included in those five items are not just items you are waiting to arrive, but also all the items you might have checked out from MAX as well.
Will MAX items auto-renew?
No, MAX items are not eligible for renewal at all. Everything checks out for 3 weeks only.
I got an error message about circulation parameters and couldn’t place my request. Why?
It could be for a few reasons, but the most likely is that all copies are checked out from participating libraries. You can only request MAX titles with available copies. If all copies of a title you want are checked out, you can check back later and request it when one becomes available.
My MAX hold wasn’t on the hold pick up shelf.
Please ask at the customer service desk. Some items are not able to be checked out on our self-check machines and must be checked out at and returned to a person at a service desk.
I lost or damaged a MAX item.
A flat fee of $20 will be charged for any lost MAX items.
How can I tell if a MAX request is ready to be picked up?
You will receive an email notification when your MAX request is ready. You can also check your account online to view the status.
Be sure to talk with staff at your local branch with any further questions!