Family Place Libraries™ is a network of children's librarians nationwide who believe that literacy begins at birth, and that libraries can help build healthy communities by nourishing healthy families. The Family Place Libraries network currently includes more than 300 sites in 23 states and continues to grow.
Scottsdale Public Library serves a culturally and economically diverse population. Joining the Family Place Libraries™ network in 2011, trained library staff have created a developmentally appropriate early learning space and materials collections for families with young children and began running the Parent Child Workshop known as Stay and Play.
After instituting the core components of the Family Place Libraries™ initiative library staff saw a community need for further education aimed at parents and their young children. It was decided to expand the Family Place programming and offer a variety of parent/child education classes which led to the development of Knowing & Growing program offerings. These comprehensive parent/child classes provide parents with opportunities to actively engage their child in the learning process facilitating healthy growth and development.
ParentTV offers thousands of on-demand streaming parenting videos and courses designed to support those who care for children, from pregnancy through to teenage years. Search and find videos from experts on topics ranging general parenting, play, behavior, child development, mental health, sleep, nutrition, technology and more.
Scottsdale Public Library
Mariko Whelan
Early Learning Coordinator, Scottsdale Public Library
email Mariko Owen
Family Place Libraries
Kathleen Deerr
National Coordinator, Family Place Libraries
[email protected]
631-585-9393 x 204
Family Place Libraries