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Academic OneFile

Academic OneFile

Academic OneFile is the premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading academic journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, researchers are able to find accurate information quickly.

Accelerated Readers Book Finder

Accelerated Readers Book Finder

Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Exemplars, and more.

American Decades

American Decades

Covers everything from monumental events and groundbreaking individuals to the fascinating details of Americans' daily lives. Supports historical research in disciplines from the arts and business to law, medicine, technology and social trends.

American Decades Primary Sources

American Decades Primary Sources

Cross-disciplinary source spanning the 20th century. Each volume in the set includes full or excerpted primary sources representing the seminal issues, themes, movements and events from a decade. Includes oral histories, songs, speeches, advertisements, TV, play and movie scripts, letters, laws, legal decisions, newspaper articles, cartoons, recipes, and more.

American Decades UXL

American Decades UXL

A cross-disciplinary source for a single, consistent reference to document and analyze periods of contemporary American social history. Covers the first decade of the 21st Century and includes key events and social history.

Ancestry Library

Ancestry Library

A popular hobby, genealogy brings the past to life. Ancestry has billions of scanned records along with millions of family trees and historical photographs. Research your family roots with this amazing database. is available in-house at all Scottsdale Public Library branches.

Arizona Republic

Arizona Republic

Accessing AZ Republic through the Scottsdale Public Library

  1. Click link to access AZ Republic.
  2. Provide your first name, last name, and email address.
  3. Check your inbox for an activation email. It can sometimes take up to an hour to arrive. Please be sure to check your spam and/or junk folder if you don't receive the email within an hour.
  4. Within the activation email, click on the "Activate My Digital Access" button to reach the "Create Account" page.
  5. On the "Create Account" page, enter your first name, last name, email address, and then create a password. Next, click "Create Account."
  6. The free subscription allows for daily digital access and is active to mid-January 2026.

Note: The email address you enter here must be the same email address you used in step 2.

Biography in Context

Biography (Gale In Context)

Biography in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world's most influential people. Use the biographical research, timelines, and multimedia content to learn about important figures of the past and present.

Books & Authors

Books & Authors (Gale Literature)

Books & Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike, award winners and librarian's favorites lists to find your next great read.

Britannica Escolar

Britannica Escolar

Como el único sitio de referencia en línea creado específicamente para bibliotecas, Britannica Online® Public Library Edition contiene contenido completo para todos los usuarios, desde estudiantes de primaria hasta estudiantes universitarios, desde profesionales de negocios hasta curiosos de la tercera edad.

Britannica Library

Britannica Library

As the only online reference site created specifically for libraries, Britannica Online® Public Library Edition contains comprehensive content for all patrons - from elementary students to college students, from business professionals to curious seniors.

Business Market Research Collection

Business Market Research Collection offers information on 40,000 global public and non-public companies including location, summary financials, competitors, officers and more. Stay abreast in the business world with this research center.

Business Plans Handbook

Business Plans Handbook

Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans.

Candid – Foundation Directory

Candid – Foundation Directory

Candid – Foundation Directory offers nonprofits and individuals seeking funding, scholarships, or fellowships find and connect with funders. Access is in-house only.

Candid - GuideStar

Candid - GuideStar

GuideStar helps community members connect those in need to resources they rely on, like food banks. Also encourages volunteerism by connecting with local nonprofits where they can donate, work, or volunteer. Access is in-house only. represents the most authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners. There are thousands of year, make and model combinations covering the most popular vehicles of the past 30 years, plus additional coverage of specialty models. gives you the confidence to service or repair virtually any system on your vehicle.

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports

Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 9000+ products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting on what matters most.

Dictionary of American History

Dictionary of American History

The online version of this classic reference source, features more than 800 entries covering recent events and topics. This authoritative work serves students, scholars, and general readers interested in a wide range of topics in American history, from the well studied and familiar to the obscure.

Practice sample permit tests for free as many times as you need, until you're ready to take the real DMV test! You can also download the current year Arizona driver's handbook, motorcycle handbook and Commercial Driver's License handbook.

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

Journal articles and research reports in education.


Elementary (Gale In Context)

Gale In Context: Elementary gradually lets elementary school children gain comfort with research by delivering age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of subjects taught in the classroom like animals, arts and music, social studies, and more. A great way to explore interests inside and outside the classroom.


Encyclopedia of World Biography

Encyclopedia of World Biography

Covers individuals who have made significant contributions to human culture.

Feminism in Literature

Feminism in Literature

This six-volume set explores the history of women and feminism throughout literature, from classical antiquity to modern times. Topics covered include misogyny and women's social roles in ancient civilizations, 16th-century women's devotional literature, 17th- and 18th-century women's captivity narratives, the women's suffrage movement in 19th-century America, women writers of the "Lost Generation," lesbian literature, and much more.

Gale in Context: High School

Gale In Context: High School

Gale In Context: High School is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a broad range of topics, people, places, and events. Research reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and more. A great starting point for student projects.

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school, your public library, or your office).

Gale OneFile

General OneFile (Gale OneFile)

General OneFile is a one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images, allow students and researchers to find current and relevant information.

Global Issues in Context

Global Issues (Gale in Context)

Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Relied upon for researchers with its analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Each of these gateway pages includes multi media information and an overview with unique "perspectives" articles written by local experts.



Unique, detailed material for both genealogical and historical researchers. Census data, city directories, immigration records and more can be used to go back in time and find your family history.


Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center

Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center This database offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

Home Improvement Reference Center

Home Improvement Reference Center

Home Improvement Reference Center This database provides do-it-yourselfers with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects. Access includes full-text content from leading home improvement magazines and books, plus images not found anywhere else online.

Legal Forms

Legal Forms

Provides a wide selection of state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms across the most popular legal areas. Includes real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant and many others. Also included is a comprehensive attorney state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions explained in laymen's language.

Literature Resource Center

Literature Resource Center

Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. The optional MLA International Bibliography module adds citations for hundreds of thousands of books, articles and dissertations from 1926 to the present, linked to full text where available.



From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, get trusted medical information. Read about symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention for over 1000 health conditions and wellness issues. Additional information on drugs, medical testing and easy to follow videos are available.



Morningstar provides financial data on thousands of stocks and mutual funds. Research with their independent reports to inform yourself on current business news and trends.

Newspaper Archive

Newspaper Archive

Get archive access to a huge collection of historical local Arizona papers, including the Scottsdale Progress (1948-1977). Great for Arizona wide and local history along with genealogy research.

The New York Times (1851 - Current)


Access in the library:

Visit from any library computer.

Access from Home:

  1. It is recommended to use Chrome, Safari or Edge as your internet browser.
  2. Click on the New York Times logo or access the site right here.
  3. The redeem code is already entered and you simply hit the Redeem button for your 72 hours of access.
  4. To activate your access, you must register if it is your first time accessing the newspaper via your library.
    • Note: If you have previously used the Redeem code and have registered, login with that account info.
  5. To register for an account you must be over 13 years of age and have a valid email address.

*Note: You can use the same process and code again to continue to gain full access after the 72 hours have expired. You can redeem indefinitely, but must do so every 72 hours.


The New York Times - Cooking

The New York Times - Cooking



  1. It is recommended to use Chrome, Safari or Edge as your internet browser.
  2. Click on the New York Times Cooking logo or access the site right here.
  3. The redeem code is already entered and you simply hit the Redeem button for your 24 hours of access.
  4. To activate your access, you must register if it is your first time accessing the newspaper via your library.
    • Note: If you have previously used the Redeem code and have registered, login with that account info.
  5. To register for an account you must be over 13 years of age and have a valid email address.
  6. You can use the NYT Cooking App for iOS and Android devices but must go through the SPL website to redeem the code and then login using your NYT account email and password in the Cooking app.

*Note: You can use the same process and code again to continue to gain full access after the 24 hours have expired. You can redeem indefinitely, but must do so every 24 hours.


The New York Times - Games

The New York Times - Games



  1. It is recommended to use Chrome, Safari or Edge as your internet browser.
  2. Click on the New York Times Games logo or access the site right here.
  3. The redeem code is already entered and you simply hit the Redeem button for your 24 hours of access.
  4. To activate your access, you must register if it is your first time accessing the newspaper via your library.
    • Note: If you have previously used the Redeem code and have registered, login with that account info.
  5. To register for an account you must be over 13 years of age and have a valid email address.
  6. You can access the Crossword and Spelling Bee games in the NYT Games App for iOS and Android devices, but must go through the SPL website to redeem the code and then login using your NYT account email and password in the NYT Games App. All Games are accessible on the NYT website.

*Note: You can use the same process and code again to continue to gain full access after the 24 hours have expired. You can redeem indefinitely, but must do so every 24 hours.


NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus

Features great suggestions for Author Read-alikes, genre favorites, fiction, non fiction and reviews of over 150,000 fiction titles. Literature, What To Read Next, Educational Resources.

OneFile News

OneFile News

OneFile News is an innovative full-text newspaper database. Finally, a one-stop source for the day's news and searchable archives. Great for readers of all ages and student projects.

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Continuously updated viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files allow students to find current and relevant information.


ParentTV offers thousands of on-demand streaming parenting videos and courses designed to support those who care for children, from pregnancy through to teenage years. Search and find videos from experts on topics ranging general parenting, play, behavior, child development, mental health, sleep, nutrition, technology and more.

Peterson's Test Prep

Peterson's Test Prep

Prepare for standardized tests with Peterson’s Test Prep. This valuable resource includes full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, TOEFL, U.S. citizenship, and more. It offers information on undergraduate and graduate programs, tuition, and scholarship assistance. Vocational tests like ASVAB, Real Estate License and NCLEX Nursing are available as well. Meet your education and career goals!

Note: after entering your library card information, you must register for a free account to use the site.



Discover all of the great content available at your library right here. Search for any term or phrase and find articles from thousands of magazines, journals, newspapers and books along with videos, images and podcast content. Your search should always start here.


Get daily international, national, and local newspapers on Pressreader. Also access full digital copies of your favorite magazines on your computer or mobile device. Unlimited access and no holds.

RefUSA by Data Axle

RefUSA by Data Axle

Verified information on more than 16 million U.S. businesses and residential demographic profiles of neighborhoods, counties and states. Use this information to search for jobs, new business opportunities, marketing options, research companies worldwide, trace addresses and phone numbers and find location profiles of all sizes. Great for business research for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Rocket Languages

Rocket Languages

Learn a language online with Rocket Languages. With 14 languages and multiple levels you can explore the language, the culture, and writing lessons. Love your language learning journey!

Science (Gale In Context)

Science (Gale In Context)

Science in Context is an engaging research tool for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. Find reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files.

Scribner's Writer Series

Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series provides original essays on the lives and works of authors from around the world and from all time periods. Entries include concise essays, citations, and biographical information that gives context about the author and their works.

Something About the Author Online

Something About the Author Online

Something about the Author.

Space Sciences

Space Sciences

Covers space exploration and biographies of scientists.

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Language Online provides an engaging experience for language learners looking to build their vocabulary, practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. With courses and supplemental resources in 110+ languages across the globe, language learning can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on almost any device.

Transparent Language Online - en Español

Transparent Language Online - en Español

Los estudiantes de idiomas pueden desarrollar vocabulario, practicar habilidades y mantener lo que han aprendido con Transparent Language Online, disponible en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar en más de 110 idiomas.

Twayne's Author Series

Gale Literature: Twayne's Author Series is devoted to in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world within the context of the time period in which they lived. It provides insightful and original commentary on the history and influence of literature.

U.S. History In Context

U.S. History (Gale In Context)

U.S. History in Context is for all students seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. Find authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, and audio files.

Universal Class

Universal Class

Universal class offers hundreds of online continuing education classes facilitated by dedicated instructors sharing their knowledge on almost any imaginable topic. Classes are free for Scottsdale Public Library card holders.

Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal (1998 - Current)

We are excited to promote our new daily Wall Street Journal newspaper access!

Access in the library:
Visit from any library computer.

Access from home:

  • Access The Wall Street Journal daily newspaper from anywhere!
  • Simply click here to create your account, and you can start using immediately
  • Your access will be available for the next 3 days
  • After 3 days, simply come back and click the above link again and login as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created
World History (Gale In Context)

World History (Gale In Context)

World History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. Search authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, and audio files.

WorldCat (OCLC)

WorldCat (OCLC)

Catalog of books, web resources, and other material worldwide.

Non-Library Online Resources:

City of Scottsdale New Business Licenses

City of Scottsdale New Business Licenses

Accelerated Reader book finder

Accelerated Reader book finder

Arizona Commerce Authority


Arizona Corporation Commission

Arizona Department of Health Services, Department of Vital Records

Adoption, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates and Genealogy information.

Arizona Department of Transportation

Watch traffic cameras. Renew your auto registration.

Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates

Search Arizona records online

Arizona Master Gardeners Manual

Arizona Master Gardeners Manual

Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona State Bar

Arizona Unemployment Information

Arizona Unemployment Information

Arizona Workforce Connections

Arizona Workforce Connections

BBC Languages

BBC Languages

Better Business Bureau

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Consumer Information

Centers for Disease Control

Consumer Guides and Protection Links

Consumer Guides and Protection Links

Consumer Product Recalls

Consumer Product Recalls

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Cornell University - Gardening Resources

Cornell University - Gardening Resources

Cyndi’s List

A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.

If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Trade Commission

GCF Learn Free - Learn Basic Computer Skills

The Goodwill Community Foundation (GCF) online courses to help users learn essential skills needed for living in the 21st century. This compendium of courses is designed specifically for users who don’t feel comfortable in the world of computers. Readers may progress at their own pace and build knowledge along the way.

Discover Your Family Story with this free online family search.

A comprehensive career resource with information on thousands of companies.

Government Made Easy

Health Care Information

Internet Legal Research

Thousands of databases, research tools, and other resources to help those with Jewish ancestry research and find family members.

Kelly Blue Book

Find resale value of your car.

Medicare Information

Mesa Family Search Library

A Regional Family History Center is a branch of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

National Archives Resources for Genealogists

National Library of Medicine

News and Newspapers online (international)

News and Newspapers online

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Phoenix Business Journals

Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce

Scottsdale City Courts

Series & Sequels

Series & Sequels

Service Arizona

Renew your insurance, get a new drivers license and more.

Social Security and Retirement

Superior Court Law Library

The Health Insurance Marketplace

U.S. Census

U.S. Small Business Association

University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service

University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service

USGenWeb Project - Land of Free - Genealogy

Valley Metro

Valley Bus and Light Rail schedules.

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

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