Welcome to Pegasus, Scottsdale's ‘virtual’ library branch. This is where you can easily find digital library services, accessible always.
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Look for Measuring Light in the Night, Exploring Biodiversity, and Zombee Hunting kits plus two new kits: Observing Pollinators and Assessing Indoor Air Quality at your library branch, or put in a request to get the next kit available. All kits come with equipment and instructions to do scientific research observations and a link to report your findings to an ongoing research project.
BookMates and BookMates Jr. Looking for a new read, but don't know where to start? Let us pick out some library items for you based on your interests! Try our new 'BookMates' program! Available for all ages!
BookMates is a service for our patrons who would like reading recommendations for adult and teen books. Simply fill out the form to describe your reading interests and what kind of book you are looking for and one of our talented matchmakers will set you up with some reading suggestions!
Here's how it works:
BookMates Jr. is a service for our patrons who would like a surprise selection of children's books, based on a specific topic or theme. Answer a few questions about what you're looking for and we'll select up to 10 books to put on hold for you to pick up at the library, curbside or drive-thru window.
Here's how it works: