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Library Stories

Teen Submission


Why the Library?

L – Limitless. You stand inside a library and you are limitless. Where you can go, who you can be is only limited by what you choose to pick up. You can travel to a new world, peek into the future, learn from the past—the only limit is your imagination.

I – Inspired. You stand inside a library and you are inspired. A perfect sentence, the pictures from the past that seem to never let you go, the sound you hear that inspires you look deeper into its meaning.

B – Become. You stand inside a library with the ability to become anything. Not only through stories and pictures, but more so by what you take away from them. How they affect you; how they change you. How they ask you to change the world.

R – Relaxed. You stand inside a library and you are relaxed. Nothing but peaceful silence and the whispers of authors fill your ears. You head is clear and the world of stories waits for you.

A – Abundance. You stand inside a library and you feel abundance of the world. There is so much at your fingertips: so many books to read, movies to fall in love with, television to bewitch you, pictures and resources to sustain you. All free. All for you.

R – Rewarding. You stand inside a library and you are rewarded. With words and sounds and pictures and a whole past at your fingertips. Every story ever written, every word ever said, every picture ever taken is there for you.

Y – You. You stand inside a library and you are you. There is so much to do, so much to see, so much to fall in love with, so much to get lost in, so many stories to read and so many stories to be told. You have the ability—the power to learn and grow and change. The library is only there to ask: will you?



Catrina S.

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